Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It Is What It Is!

A group from our church went into one of South Carolina's maximum security prisons the other day, to minister to the inmates during the Christmas season. Because of the giving of the people here at Beech Springs, we were able to carry in gift bags and serve a meal to the guys as well. The appreciation that was shown from the inmates was very genuine and in some ways overwhelming. I could not help but think about those men and their situation, in comparison to my life. Here are a few things that may have made the difference between us.
One bad decision on their part could have resulted in a backlash of destructive life patterns. Smoking one joint, taking one drink, or engaging in one bad relationship could have started the down spiral. By the way, bad choices may not always pertain to drugs, alcohol, and wild friends.
How many of those guys were from broken homes? Maybe there were no parameters placed on their lives during the formidable years. I'm glad I had parents who would 'bust my butt' when they caught me stepping outside of those parameters.
Yes, Caught! A lot of you are just like me. I deserved some "time" for some of the things that I participated in. Don't take this to mean that I was some hardened criminal. I'm not a fugitive! I have had some dark days back there, and unlike some of those inmates, I never got caught.
If not for grace where would I be? Where would you be? God has blessed my life. He's given me so much that I never deserved! "To whom much is given, much is required."

You may not like to think of yourself as being so closely related to the "criminals."
But, It Is What It IS!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Don't Miss Christmas

With all of the effort to be politically correct and non-offensive in the day we're living in, let me take a shot at being just the opposite. I've had my fill of this idea that the term "Christmas" may be offensive to some within our society. I realize, that for the greatest part, with the readers of this blog, there is a slim chance that the "offended" may show up here. But maybe this will give you a little room for mercy if you run into some of the crowd that scowls at the greeting, "Merry Christmas!"
There are plenty of people that miss the reason for the "holiday" season. They never stop to recognize the Christ of the Christmas celebration. But, if you read the story of the first Christmas, you will see there were many people who missed the first one! The reasons that they missed that first Christmas, are the same reasons people miss the celebration of Christmas today. Consider these:
1)Herod: He was too busy building his own kingdom to recognize another. How often do we focus on building our own empires instead of building up the Kingdom of God? How often do we do that even in the 'church world' today?
2)The Innkeeper: Business must have been booming during the time of the census. The innkeeper was so busy building his own riches that he failed to even recognize the riches that another had to offer. Who had time for a baby? How often do we fail to recognize the gift of the Christ child in the midst of all the 'booming business' that comes along with the Christmas season?
3)The Chief Priest and the Teachers: They were too busy perfecting their religion to discern the invitation to relationship. The Magi(Wise Men) even inquired of them as to the place that the messiah was to be born, yet there is no evidence the religious crowd set out to search with them. God sent his son to a manger so that we might have relationship with him. How often do we look AT the baby in the manger but look OVER the relationship that he longs to have with us?

You see how easy it can be to walk right past the manger, and never recognize the extraordinary event that is taking place. We do the same thing when we're caught up - too busy to disconnect with the rat race that we are in - to stop at the manger and worship the King. Jesus is there waiting for your full attention. Don't Miss Christmas!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Heroes Needed!

Superman. Spiderman. Even Santa Clause! Everybody is looking for a hero. Do you know where to find one? In Hollywood? On Wall street? Maybe the Sports World? Any of the aforementioned arenas usually turn up nothing. Positive role models are hard to find there. What makes it even worse is the fact that most of the news that comes from those arenas is simply not "hero stuff." What about you, do you have the "stuff" that heroes are made of?
Jesus taught us what the "stuff" is.

1)Being right in the wrong. In a culture of twisted religion, Jesus spit in the face of the self-righteous, and welcomed the unloved, the unaccepted, and the unthinkable.
2)Small was Big. Jesus lowered himself to humanity, and became a "nothing" to become my "everything." Remember that the next time you're trying to be "something."
3)Life is Death. The Living had to die so that the Dying could live.
4)Giving Gains. Hold on to what you got and you'll lose everything you've got coming to you. Let it go, and get it all!

I realize that the terms may be a little vague, but think about it in the light of His life. Jesus is the ultimate Hero! Before you disqualify yourself from the possibility of stepping into that role -Hero - remember he said his disciples would do even greater things than he did. And, Lord knows, and I think you'll agree, there are some Heroes Needed!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

That's Funny

A joke for you. I hope you can laugh!

Drunk in the Rain
A man and his wife are awakened at 3 o'clock in the morning by a loud pounding on the door.
The man gets up and goes to the door, where a drunken stranger, standing in the pouring rain, is asking for a push.
"Not a chance," says the husband, "it is 3 o'clock in the morning!"
He slams the door and returns to bed.
"Who was that?" asked his wife.
"Just some drunk guy asking for a push," he answers.
"Did you help him?" she asks.
"No, I did not - it's 3 o'clock in the morning and it is pouring out there!"
"Well, you have a short memory," says his wife.
Can't you remember about three months ago when we broke down, and those two guys helped us? I think you should help him, and you should be ashamed of yourself!" The man does as he is told, gets dressed, and goes out into the pounding rain. He calls out into the dark, "Hello, are you still there?"
"Yes" comes back the answer.
"Do you still need a push?", calls out the husband.
"Yes, please!" comes the reply from the dark.
"Where are you?" asks the husband.
"Over here on the swing!" replies the drunk.

Now that's funny! The Bible says that laughter is like taking medicine. It will cure what ails you. Laughter will do you good!
Sometimes it's hard to laugh in the world that we live in. True laughter is born out of a merry heart, and a merry heart is conceived when a man comes to know that God truly loves him. His love will help you laugh.

1-Laugh at yourself and all of your deficiencies. Everybody has them. Don't take yourself too seriously.
2-Laugh at others and all of their oddities. Go to the mall or someplace where people are in motion. Watch their mannerisms and expressions. Even God has to be amused.
3-Laugh at life and all of its comedies. There may be some situations that are humiliating at the moment, but if you will allow it, they will become some of the most hilarious moments of your life later.

Laugh out loud! It'll do you good.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Party! Anybody old enough to remember Cool and the Gang's - Celebrate good times...come on! I love this time of year and all that comes with it. The decorations, the cold weather, and yes, all the partying. God's people should be the greatest at partying, the way I see it. If you read the Bible, you will see that the people of God knew how to celebrate. There were times that their feast would last for two weeks. We need to take from their example. Let's celebrate the greatest event that has ever taken place for humankind. It's Christmas!

Here are some of the ways my family and I will celebrate Christmas over the next few weeks.

1)Food! You had to know that one. There are some things that are only available for consumption during the Christmas Holidays. Bring on the Desserts!

2)Gather! We try to gather with family and friends as much as possible during the week between Christmas and New Years.

3)Chill! There are some days that you need to plan to not have a plan. Just hang out!

4)Give! It's a lot more fun to give than to get. Buying "surprise" gifts for someone is great!

5)Play! We love to play games and watch a funny movie during the holidays. I recommend Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation. PlayStation or Scrabble. And I will fight if I lose! I hate to lose!

I hope this gives you some ideas for celebrating with your friends and family, as you celebrate Jesus' and his arrival on planet earth.
Hey all you Christians out there, Let's Party!