Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter - WOW!

I'm glad "He did it!" I'm glad he was willing to die for me, but even more so that he defeated death for me. Jesus is alive! I'm so glad!

Sunday was incredible! We went over the 600 mark(officially) in attendance for the first time at BST. Above that, there were close to thirty people that responded to receiving Jesus as their
Savior. Man, you talk about what fires me up - that's what I'm talkin'bout! Thirty people walked into the building Sunday morning, nervous and hell-bound. And, in less than an hour and a-half, they were new-born believers on their way to Heaven!

#$&% on the Devil! He can't stop the folks that you've prayed for and plead with from coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! We serve a God that has made it clear, that it is his intention to save every person who will simply call on him. We are living in a great time! There are so many opportunities for us to reach out to a lost world. I've tried to train my kids to believe that whatever arena they find themselves in, they are the light of Jesus Christ!

I challenge you to step up to the plate and be used of God in the manner that he desires. Live out Easter every day! He lives and so can you! Live to the MAX! WOW!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

He Did It!

It's hard to believe that it is time to celebrate the Easter Holiday. Time is flying by! It seems it was only a couple of weeks ago that the kids were returning to school from their Christmas break.

Yet here we are on the eve of Good Friday, remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us. When you think about the events of those final days, that Jesus had to live through, it really makes you consider the reality of our skewed perception of "sacrifice." In our society, there's just not much of that - "sacrifice." It will be required if we are to reach our life's mission.

What might that "sacrifice" look like?
1)Denial - You will have to deny yourself the pleasures to self. What feels good may not be right.
2)Discomfort - It is easy for any of us to settle in what is comfortable.
3)Loss - You will incur some loss in order to gain what is before you.
4)Rejection - People that you think would never walk away, will.
5)Pain - Not the kind that you feel on the surface.
6)Loneliness - You may find yourself in a place where no one else can go.

You may remember that Jesus prayed, "Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; Nevertheless...". He was willing to face whatever was necessary to complete the mission. It is difficult for anybody to face the suffering that may be required in a place of sacrifice. I'm glad HE DID IT!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mission Accomplished

We are in the process of trying to get our house ready to place on the market to sell. If I have to do all of the painting it may never be ready! I hate to paint! I would rather take a beating! I did paint a couple of closet doors the other day, and they looked good. But, it took like 67 hours; or it felt like it anyway. The tedious process of painting is just a pain in the backside to me! Maybe I'll finish some day, or maybe someone will buy 'as-is.'

Most of us would probably agree to the fact that we admire a person who knows how to "finish the job." That tells us that this particular person is able to resist the temptation of giving up. I've often stated that it is alright to feel like giving up, if you simply just "don't."

As a matter-of-fact, you will find out you are keeping pretty good company in that group that "feels like" giving up.(Moses,Elijah, shoot even Spider-man and Daniel Boone.) Everybody feels like throwing in the towel every once-in-a-while. People give up on jobs, marriages, children, dreams, hopes,etc. nowadays.

Yet there are those that face the resistance, the trials, the troubles, and the processes, and still press through to the finish line. They accomplish the mission that is before them. They Finish Well!

Hey, I still hate painting, but I intend to see this project through to completion. Or until a buyer comes along that likes to paint. Either way the mission is to sell the place. Do you like to paint?

Mission Accomplished!

Friday, March 7, 2008

The Mission (continued)

Most of us are still trying to figure out our mission at 22, 32, or even 42. At the young age of 12, Jesus had a distinct knowledge of the purpose for his life. That is an idea that is selling in bookstores by the millions today. But, maybe the discovery of our life's mission or purpose is not as complex as we seem to make it. Here are a few things that stand out about Jesus at this time in his young life.
You may want to refer to this passage: Luke 2:39-52.
He found favor. He lived within the realm of God's grace for his life. Many times we strive to find our life's purpose outside of what we've been graced for. That only leads to frustration.
He asked questions. One of the keys to discovering your mission/purpose in life is asking the right questions. Not only did he ask the questions, he listened to the answers. Now there's a thought!
He was affirmed in his Greatness. Those around him were "astonished." They recognized his wisdom and gifted-ness while he was still young. You may feel you have nothing to do with this aspect of your life. But I would encourage you to find a place and a people, that will recognize and celebrate your potential.
He was subject. Even though he was the son of God, he subjected himself to his earthly parents. Affirmation without submission to the authorities in your life lead only to an ego trip. The pat on the back may need to be a PAT on the butt every once in a while.

You have a purpose in life. The process of discovery may be a little more difficult for some. But, don't live another day without a sense of finding The Mission for your life!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Mission

Sorry for the absence from the blog over the last week. I would have never dreamed that I would find myself frustrated because I lacked the time to write for the blogs. I used to hate writing, but now I look forward to the time that I have to do this.

Last night I participated in the baseball draft for the local recreation department. My son, Eric Jr., will be playing for the 12 & under division,and I'm one of those baseball Dads that helps with coaching the little-leaguers. The "draft" can be right stressful at times when it comes to trying to decide the fate of the kids that will be a part of your baseball life for the next 3 to 4 months. You go into the draft with your list of prospective players that you would like to have on your team.

But, you can be sure of one thing, by the end of the first round of picks, your list is shot! Your dreams for those kids and their baseball destiny is over! All of the teaching and fundamentals long forgotten for those you missed on! (I know this is overly dramatic, but let me wax on brother!) Come'on, a 12 year old and their "baseball destiny." Get Real! A lot of these kids will never play baseball again in their future. Maybe, and I stress maybe, a small percentage of the whole league will play beyond their high-school days. In spite of the wild hopes and dreams of many of us baseball dads, that think our kids will one day be Major-leaguers, baseball is simply not part of their mission!

But with that thought, think about a 12 year old kid who had a clear understanding of his life and it's purpose. He understood his life would be one filled with adversity, challenges, and rejection. At 12 he realized The Mission. His name - JESUS!

Luke 2:49 - And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?"