Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I picked up my first real penalty last Saturday while coaching my son's little league football team. A 15-yarder for unsportsman-like conduct. Yeah baby, I did it right! I'm not exactly proud of the penalty, but it wasn't 'uncalled' for to be 'unsportsman-like'. That referee had it coming anyway. All I was asking him was, "Can you sleep with the call you just made?" - Fair question, right? I mean, if you feel like you made the right call, then sleep away. But if not, then toss and turn your way to a red-eyed tomorrow morning. He deserved it anyway!
Now, for the record, that's not really the reason I provoked the guy to throw the yellow hankie. What got me in trouble was the fact that I was standing beyond the coaches' box, on the field of play. Maybe the yacking was what got his attention, but the reason for the penalty was the violation of the parameters of the designated area for players and coaches. I remember the sinking feeling that hit me at the moment the "ref" reached for his back pocket, for his little yellow "snot-rag"(sorry, I'm still a little miffed). Dog-gone-it! It almost cost us the game! But, I had crossed the line, and I knew it.
Have you ever been there; at a place where you know you've crossed the line, you've gone too far, or said too much? Maybe it was a few more words than was needed to get your point across, or a thought that you held a little longer than you should have. Too far, and you knew it the moment you indulged yourself in the self-gratifying act. Does it still make you feel a little queasy to think about it? You see, we all know that there are parameters that need to be recognized in our every day life. Parameters for every arena of life. One of the most important attributes we can possess through life is the ability to discern the boundaries. And when you see the line, dog-gone-it, don't cross the thing! The penalty may cost you the game.


Danny Heatherly said...

Nothing wrong with voicing your disagreement with the referee's call. Sometimes I think we should voice our disagreements with some of the things we just let passby in every day life. Most people are ready to take back the things that the world has taken away from the Christains of the world.

jdavisrn said...
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jdavisrn said...

That's what I love about you - you are so real - sometimes you just loose your cool and put a ref in his place...or the people in the McDonald's drive-thru - yet somehow you can always find a way to use that example to show God's love in a real world way. These last two posts kind of reminds me of a message Shane Cox gave when you were away once. He said that God is not the God of "second chances" but the God of a brand new chance. A second chance would force us to face the same trials and decisions and try to do things better. Instead, God wipes all that away and lets us start fresh, with a Brand New Chance.