Thursday, November 29, 2007


I thought I would do something that is not the norm for today's blog. Wednesday night I teach an adult Bible study in our church. From a practical standpoint, I thought that some of the stuff, from this past Wednesday, may be good for the readers.
In Ephesians 5:1, we are encouraged to "...therefore be followers of God." In some of the newer translations, it uses the word 'imitators' instead of 'followers'. In other words, we are called to imitate or mimic God - God copycats. We are to act just like God. Boy, that's a challenge! Before you throw in the towel and give up on that notion, look a little bit closer. The phrase " ye therefore..." carries with it, the necessity of a process. The statement could actually read like this: "So make sure you are continually in the process of becoming an imitator of God." Man, that helps me realize that I'm on my way to becoming more like him! And for me, that has been a long and enduring process. Hey, I realize that some of you "saints" out there were so close from the start that you did not require much processing, but I did.
Why is it important to mimic God? Because that's the only way many people will ever see him - through your life. I hope you do feel some of the responsibility of that if you are a believer. You need to be "followerable". As you follow him, maybe you will lead someone in the right direction.
How does that work?

1-Let your walk match your talk. Like I read somewhere, "God forgives and forgets, but people keep scrapbooks."

2-Act right! You know how to act in a restaurant. You know how to act at work. Begin to ACT like God.

3-Be Real! People despise hypocrites. If they know you're real as a human being, and they see your passion for God, they want trip over your flaws.

Try those things out and people might find you "followerable".


Brent Cantrell said...
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Chris Stroud said...

As Costner said "If I build it they will come"... The overall new look to the blog is great... Fresh content is important... BUT a FRESH look is as well...

Love you man!