Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It Still Hurts

As we enter the Holiday season, one thing that I face now is the reality of how life changes. People that have been such an important part of your life, are not there anymore. And boy, how the holidays bring that reality home! Over the last decade, I have experienced the loss of three of my family members. As I move further away from their departures, I have to admit It still hurts. The laughs and sounds of their voices are still very clear, but only in my memory. My Grandfather's Santa-like laugh, my Father-in-law's nasal voice, my Niece's girly giggle would be wonderful to hear during the holidays, but that will have to wait. So wait I will, until we are together again. It is so wonderful to know that what we know as life, does not end here. The great Apostle Paul wrote, "...that if in this life only we have hope, we are of men most miserable." I could not live without that hope! This life is so fragile and can change within seconds. The people that we love so much, can be taken with or without warning.
I think that people in ministry are sometimes perceived as being bullet-proof. A pastor like myself, can be viewed as without weaknesses or pains that the real world has to go through. But let me tell you from my own experience, we are real people in the real world! I know that many of you experience the same kind of grief that I'm talking about, especially during the holidays. Our sorrow is not as devastating because of the hope that I have in Christ. We know this is not the end, but it still hurts!

1 comment:

angelgran1 said...

You are right. It still does. After 18 years coming up this Christmas Day, I can still see my Christy's face, beautiful hair, hear her voice, and remember her wisdom at such a young age. Sometimes I wish I could just sit and talk with her awhile, hold her in my arms once again. But, I have that hope as well that you speak about. I will see her again one day and this time it will be for all eternity....Praise God!
Jodi B. Scully