Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The Mission

Sorry for the absence from the blog over the last week. I would have never dreamed that I would find myself frustrated because I lacked the time to write for the blogs. I used to hate writing, but now I look forward to the time that I have to do this.

Last night I participated in the baseball draft for the local recreation department. My son, Eric Jr., will be playing for the 12 & under division,and I'm one of those baseball Dads that helps with coaching the little-leaguers. The "draft" can be right stressful at times when it comes to trying to decide the fate of the kids that will be a part of your baseball life for the next 3 to 4 months. You go into the draft with your list of prospective players that you would like to have on your team.

But, you can be sure of one thing, by the end of the first round of picks, your list is shot! Your dreams for those kids and their baseball destiny is over! All of the teaching and fundamentals long forgotten for those you missed on! (I know this is overly dramatic, but let me wax on brother!) Come'on, a 12 year old and their "baseball destiny." Get Real! A lot of these kids will never play baseball again in their future. Maybe, and I stress maybe, a small percentage of the whole league will play beyond their high-school days. In spite of the wild hopes and dreams of many of us baseball dads, that think our kids will one day be Major-leaguers, baseball is simply not part of their mission!

But with that thought, think about a 12 year old kid who had a clear understanding of his life and it's purpose. He understood his life would be one filled with adversity, challenges, and rejection. At 12 he realized The Mission. His name - JESUS!

Luke 2:49 - And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?"

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