Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Keep Growing

I spent several days last week in classes and seminars. I feel like there's always something to learn - always room to grow! Life is really about a continual learning process. The prophet Isaiah said, "...learn to do well."(Isa. 1:17) People learn and grow by a variety of methods.

>Intellectually - Some people don't like to put themselves in an environment where they are not the most knowledgeable in the crowd. Hang out with some people who know more than you do, about the subject you are in pursuit of.

>Experience - Place yourself in a position to experience life at a different dimension. There are times that your experiences will far outweigh your education.

>Resistance - The challenges of your life will many times become the most fertile ground for your growth and progress.

>Refusal - There must be a conscience decision made that says, "I refuse to settle and remain where I am right now!"

I believe the moment you decide to stay where you are, and stop growing and learning, is the moment you choose to give up on your destiny. That can happen when you're 15, 27, or 45! Or, you can still find progress being made when you're 45, 65, or 85! The choice is really up to you. But, I challenge you...KEEP GROWING!

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