Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Up-side Down

How many times do we find ouselves living life at the mad pace of the world around us. We exist to consume as much as possible in our allotted time. Living life for ourselves has seemingly become the norm. Even in the "church" this mindset has gripped most of the "faithful."

I would like to challenge you to live life in a different mode. A life that is opposite of the trend that we see established in almost every arena of society. Can you live life "up-side down?" A life that goes against the grain of this selfish, self-indulging culture that we are caught in. A life that gives and not simply takes!

>Be a "lover" not a "hater." The world is full of "haters." Let love take over in your dealings with others.
>Be a Jesus-Freak. Really try to live your life by his example. Let his life be the example that you try to mimick in every detail.
>Be dependable. Regardless of where you find your life intersecting with others, be the one they can depend on. That's hard to find nowadays.
>Be Strong. Live by what you believe, not by what is accepted. The world needs to see somebody that lives by conviction.
>Be courageous. Step into some impossible situations and watch how God may use you. You'll never know until you try.

You may freak some people out when you try to live this kind of life. It would be a great thing today, to be accused of turning your world "up-side down!" Because it's obvious that "right-side up" is just not working.

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