Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Crash! It happened once, can it happen again? The crash of the stock market that led to the era known as The Great Depression. They called it "Black Tuesday" - October 29, 1929 - the day the market hit the lowest point in its history. With what has happened this week with the stock market, you can't help but wonder if something like those events are in the near future. Most of you take note of the market in your retirement funds or something like a 401k. That's where it makes the most sense to those of us that are not experts in the stock market. Just "Show me the money!" Who cares about points, The Dow Jones, etc.? The "account balance" is the indicator of how the market is fairing. (It would probably be good, in your health's best interest, to not check the balance this week.) With this in mind let me ask, what would you do if our economy collapsed, and life as we know it in America, changed in a 24 hour span? Hard to imagine, but a conceivable reality!

Here are some things that I must consider with this reality.
Life is Fragile. Life can change without a moments notice. Remember 9/11 and how our lives were interrupted by the terrorists that day. If you have ever been through personal tragedy, you know exactly what I mean when I say "life is fragile." One phone call can change your life forever. There are no guarantees to what tomorrow may bring.
Trust. In whom have I placed my trust? It's easy to say we trust God in the abundance that we enjoy in this great nation. I hope that I could trust Him like Job, when everything is lost. My trust can not be in money or the things that make me comfortable.
Perspective. God help me to live life with an eternal perspective. When I live only for the here and now, the pressure and anxiety can be overwhelming. God is always working for my eternal good.

If you don't know me personally, you may think I'm a real pessimist - Which is the furthest thing from the truth! I'm not getting ready to write "The Late Great Planet Earth" - Vol.2. But, I am a realist, and only God knows what the future holds. I hope we all live into a "...happily ever after...". But, if things do go "CRASH!!", with God on my side, everything will be alright!


DV said...

So true! Keeping things in perspective is a, opportunity for me. Remembering that God will not give us more than we can handle is very comforting! God Bless You!

Tex-On the wall! said...

Hey Pastor Eric,
With evil knocking at the door of America in so many different ways it is easy to get discouraged! We must wonder how long God will strive with us. The Church has a great work to do and I believe that if things do "Crash" then we the Church will be there to lend a helping hand. The Church always binds together with three cords and thrives during great times of trouble and this will be no different. Love Ya!