Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Feeling Better

I have been battling through some sickness over the past week. Nothing like living with "crud" in your lungs. I ran a fever several days, and man, talk about a wimp - Here is ONE! I can deal with most of the symptoms that come along with this kind of stuff, but if a fever comes along..."mama"....I'm a big baby! I'm sure many of you know exactly what I mean, whether you admit it or not. I'm sorry for the inactivity on the blog, but this stuff has been kicking my backside. This is what I have been doing to deal with this stuff.
>Keep on Keeping on...I don't know if this is the right thing to do or not, but I feel better if I can stick with my routine as much as possible. Again, this might not be the best road to recovery, but it works for me. Go ahead, stick your finger down your throat, you'll feel better!
>Walk well...I believe the word declares that we were healed when Jesus took stripes on his back for our infirmities. Does that mean you will always see the manifestation of your healing immediately? No. But you will never see your healing if you don't recognize that it has already been paid for.
>Get a Shot...Man, I didn't think they gave those "hip-bruisers" any more. But when the nurse came in with that needle and said "..bend over...", I gladly obliged! "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights." That includes a good shot of medicine.
I hope none of you have to face any of this "junk." If you do, do what is best for you to get past it as quick as possible. I probably waited a little longer than I should have to seek a doctors help, but there are a lot of people that probably take off to the doctor too quick. Maybe I'll find the right balance one day. One thing for sure right now, I'm feeling better!

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