Thursday, April 16, 2009

Life Ain't Fair

Just a thought after a long hiatus...

There are so many people crying out for equality now days. The reality is that, equality is simply impossible! People are not created equally when it comes to their talents and abilities. We are only equal on the basis of the value of our humanity. All of these people groups that are trying to establish equality for everybody should adopt a philosophy that embraces fairness rather than equality. What many of these people are doing is compared to my efforts to be competitive with Michael Jordan in a dunk contest. There's just no way that I will ever be his equal! There's no way to create equality in that contest! It would be fair however, to allow me to enter the contest. That way I could be judged on my own skill, and he on his.(I know that would strike MJ's heart with FEAR!) The point is this, I shouldn't expect restrictions for him. Neither should I expect concessions for me. What I should expect is to be judged on the basis of my abilities to compete in that arena. And if that's the case, it is clear that I don't belong in that arena.

I will probably return to this later. But if all you are looking for is equality, you need to know,"Life Ain't Fair!"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Those Kids Are Crazy!

Crazy Kids! I went to a youth conference this past weekend with some of the teens from BST. I had a wonderful time! We had good meetings, fellowship, and skiing. Even though I am still a kid at heart, my body reminded me several times that I am now far removed from being considered young. There were almost three thousand teens and youth workers gathered there in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The time there this weekend reaffirmed some things that I already thought.

> The youth of today are no different than any other when it comes to their desire to belong and have good friends. They love to be together.

>The youth of today are more radical about their faith than any other that I've had any association with. They are very comfortable with their identity as "Jesus Freaks."

>The youth of today are more passionate about what they believe than any that I've seen. They are not ashamed to express their great love for God, and the things of his Kingdom.

There is an opinion out there that pretty much relegates this post-modern generation of kids to a damned future. But before you put them all in a "hand-basket" on the way to hell, you may need to spend some time with them and find out what they are really all about. They are radicals for Jesus! "Those Kids Are Crazy," In the most wonderful of ways!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Word was... it may snow. But it didn't happen! After all the build-up from earlier forecast, disappointment settles in once again. You may not understand what I'm talking about, unless you're one of those who live in the south and love to see snow come to our area. What started as a forecast of 1-3 inches of the white stuff, turned out to be a few flakes that amounted to the dust blown around in heavy traffic. Nothing! Nothing, but another disappointment for the snow lovers! I've gotten use to the feeling. The weathermen never seem to get it right when trying to forecast winter precipitation around here. The big build-up usually turns into a big let-down. Crushed! Torn! Heart-broken! Traumatised! OK, I may be over-doing it a little! But I love the snow, and it is disappointing!

I've learned that disappointment is lessened to some degree, if I lower my expectations. I try not to expect too much from things and people because they will, at some time, not meet my expectations. If the prognosticators are predicting a great season for my favorite football team, then maybe I should adjust my expectations a little less than the best outcome. If the weatherman forecasts 3 inches of snow, then maybe I should just be happy with a few flakes. I can lower the expectations on those things and people that are out of my control. That will lighten the blow a little.

The only problem with that approach, is that it can lead to a real losers mentality, if it is applied to everything in life. Especially when it comes to people. I will create a world that is filled with doubt and pessimism about everybody. Here are the people that are excluded from the Low-expectations club:

1)The people I really know. These are the people I've been close enough to, to see the potential in their lives. These are the ones that should be held to the standard of their God-given potential. High Expectations for you!

2)The people I've invested in. These are the people that I've given my time, energy, resources, etc.. These are expected to produce great returns. Not returns to me, but life in general. High expectations for you!

3)The people I look at in the mirror every day. ME! I should live with high expectations for my own life on a daily basis. Nobody knows what is in me any more so than I do! I know what God has done in my life. I should expect the best effort, the best attitude, the best outlook, the best productivity, etc. and so on and so on..... You get the picture? I know I will miss the mark somewhere along the way. But at least it will be unexpected to some degree! And nobody will be any more disappointed with me, than ME! High Expectations for me too!

I don't won't to live life with such low expectations that I never place any demands on my life or anyone else. That may soften the blow of life's disapponintments, but it will assure me of a life of under-achieving. And man...that would be a real disappointment!

Meanwhile...Let it SNOW!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What A Wonderful Life

I sometimes think something is wrong with me!! Am I the only one? I think the world around me sometimes lives with 3-D glasses. People make life much more difficult than it has to be. Seems like much effort goes into complicating life, when in reality it's meant to be much simpler. And simpler usually means happier! Here's some things that I think help keep it simple.

>Be Content. Find satisfaction in the job you have now. Look for the good in your husband/wife. Put an air freshener(new-car scented) in the old car you are driving. Be satisfied with the side of the fence that you find yourself at this time of your life.

>Be Consistent. Stop chasing every little fad that comes along. Stop changing your mind with every new philosophy that Oprah or Dr. Phil is pumping into the mainstream. Every new idea that comes along is not the ideal for your life.

>Be Considerate. Consider the other person before you consider your own. Think of the needs of others before you set out to satisfy your own. Put others before you. Live your life to better someone else's!

It's easy for any of us to get caught up in the disarray of our day. Life at it's simplest can get crazy sometime! But I'd rather live without all the self-induced complications. It really is a Wonderful Life!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Happy New Year! 2009 - It's hard to believe! Who would have ever thunk we would have made it this far? This time in history seemed so far away just a couple of decades ago. Some of you may remember the 80's pop song by Prince - "1999". Here we are, going on 10 years after the catastrophic entry into the new millennium. Remember Y2k? It was chaos, right? Not even a glitch!

The new year always brings us to a place of fresh starts. Another opportunity to do the things that you didn't get done last year. I truly hope that is a reality for your future, and not just another empty resolution. For some reason I am filled with excitement and anticipation as we start into the new year. With all of the doom and gloom that is being pumped into the conscious of our world through the media, you would think that there is nothing to be excited about. I can't really explain why I'm pumped about what's ahead, but I am!

Maybe it's because I'm just an eternal optimist. I am just the kind of guy that sees the glass as always being half-full. Nope!

Maybe it's because I'm so smart that I've got everything figured out. Even if the whole thing comes apart, and life as we know it changes forever. I don't think so!

Or, maybe it's because I have the right contacts that keep me up on the latest events, and I have the resources to confront whatever comes next. Wrong again!

I think the answer is really too simple! I am in relationship with the God of all the universe! And if he is with me, then what do I have to worry about? If He is on my side, then what do I have to be afraid of? What? You tell me what can rise up and take on my God, and have a "snowball's chance in hell?"

No wonder I'm so PUMPED!