Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wannabe a "Want To"
I'm thankful for my family. It is so easy to take for granted those that are closest to us. Take time to let your family know how grateful you are for them during this time.
I'm thankful for my friends. I've heard it said that you can count your real friends on one hand. The longer I live, the more I think this is true. Try to count your friends this Thanksgiving, and if possible, show them some gratitude for their friendship.
I'm thankful for the people who "want to." I know everybody can't be my "friend." But I have really grown appreciative of the people that are allowed to cross my path who truly have the "want to." They "want to" live life to the full. They "want to" live a life that makes a difference. They "want to" be a breathe of fresh air in a truly stifling world. They "want to" infect their world with an attitude that is encouraging and uplifting. They "want to" give back to the people of their world, not just take all the time. If you are a wannabe of the "want to's" then I'm thankful for you on this Thanksgiving Day!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
No More 'Mr. Niceguy' - 2
Now, back to the subject of a college football coach. I have several thoughts as to why Tommy Bowden didn't get the job done at Clemson. You may care less about the subject in mind here, but I believe some of these thoughts are applicable to any walk of life. I'm expressing these only as a matter of opinion, so take it for what it's worth in terms of validity. But this is why I think he didn't reach his potential. So here goes!
1)He got comfortable. I think anybody can come to a place in life where they are simply satisfied with their state of existence. When that happens the, desire and hunger for improvement can be found lacking. Progress becomes a thing of the past. They become fat, settled, and satisfied! That's where a lot of people live.
2)He played safe. There are so many people who try to live life without taking risk. Those are the people that will never reach the potential that God has placed within them. You will have to get out of the boat if you're ever going to walk on water. But it will be risky!
3)Maybe He was too Nice. God never called Christians to just be "nice". Now don't take me wrong. Neither did he call us to be rude, crude, mean, and obnoxious. But, I think there are times that our actions may not be perceived as "nice". Just ask the money changers in the temple if they thought Jesus was nice that day he cleaned out the courtyard(See Mark 11).I believe Tommy Bowden is a great man! Maybe he's just too nice to be a college football coach. We need more men like him! Maybe his next gig will be much better for him. But for now, it's "So long... Mr. Niceguy."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
No more 'Mr. Niceguy'
Maybe we should consider a food pounding for him next week?
I'm surely not trying to serve as the reporter for what is old news to most of you. But I do want to get something off of my chest concerning some of the comments and mindsets that I've observed over the last couple of weeks when it comes to people's opinion of a college football program and the fate of its coach.
First, is the thought that is out there that just because Tommy is a devout Christian, he probably can't be successful in a dog eat dog world like college football. Boy, what a slap in the face of any Christian who knows that God has called us to more than just attending a religious church service once or twice a week! That kind of thinking comes from the perception that Christians are supposed to be "soft." Milk-toast, pansy Christians. Well if you have that perception, then maybe you need to go back and study the life of Christianity's founder, Jesus Christ. You will find out that he was anything but "soft" or weak! He was a Man among Men, who had the strength to give his life for the world in an agonizing torturous death, even when he didn't have to. Tommy's Christian life had nothing to do with his inability to win a stupid football game.
Second, is the thought, even among Christians, that Tommy had his priorities out of order. He has made it clear over the last few years that he believed his calling was to help shape and form the lives of the young men that he had the privilege to coach in football. Man, what a noble concept! And for that, he has been criticized. What would happen if every Christian embraced that concept? Disciples maybe? That should be the heart-beat of every Christian! It's pathetic that Christians would find fault in a person using the platform that God has given him to influence another person with the character and virtue of his Christianty!
I do have my opinions as to some of the reasoning why this coach did not achieve the success that was necessary in this arena of our culture. I'll share those on the next blog! I think it may be of value to you even if you could care less about this whole scenario.
But for me, this is one way for me to say good-bye to "Mr. Niceguy!"
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Catching Up
Here's my take on a couple of things:
1)The presidential election that is coming up is a really intriguing thing. The two most mentioned names, when it comes to the candidates, are Obamah and Palin. You would think that she is the presidential nominee. The choice that you make, come the first Tuesday in November, could have long lasting effects on the moral status of the USA, considering the possibility of replacing four Chief Justices over the next four to eight years. My hope is that believers will vote according to morality rather than their pocketbooks. Do I believe that one candidate has stronger convictions than the other when it comes to morality? PLEASE!!!!!!!
2)The economy in our nation is really at a critical point. We are truly facing crisis on this front, that has not been experienced in our land in the majority of our lifetimes. This could be the best of times and the worst of times all together. We are so pampered in America. It may be best for us in the long run if we have to cut back on some of the conveniences of our time. I know it would be an awful thing to have to be without, say ... cellphones. But believe it or not, we did survive without them. I'm not in any way trying to make light of a grim outlook. It's just that we could do with a lot less than we are used to.
"Shoot! I remember when we had to walk to school, in the snow, uphill - both ways, backwards, and in the dark!"
Maybe it's not so bad after all!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Manage Yourself
1)Manage your Emotions. Feelings will fool you. Stop allowing your emotions to dictate your life!
2)Manage your Time. Try to maintain some semblance of a schedule. You have 10,080 minutes in every week. Use them efficiently!
3)Manage your Priorities. Your priorities will determine how you spend your resources. Evaluate!
4)Manage your Energy. Make sure you are not spending your energy on things that are not a priority. You are not the Energizer Bunny!
5)Manage your Thinking. Don't allow clutter in your thought processes. Think on the good things!
6)Manage your Words. The power of death and life is bound up in your words. Be careful of what you say!
7)Manage your Personal Life. Take care of proper relationships. Value the people God has given you!
Managing your life is a full-time job. But if you will work at it, the progress you make will serve as a great reward. So get to it - "Mr. Manager!"
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My kids are growing up, my hair is getting grayer, and the letters are printed with poor quality in most everything I try to read(I am sure it is not a need for reading glasses; it is the poor job of printing nowadays.). Lots of things change as you move through life.
With the changes comes different challenges. Getting older is not nearly as bad as some people try to make it sound. Think about it. Baby sitters are not always required for me to have some time with my wonderful wife. With the gray, God seems to send more wisdom. And the bad printing thing, it just makes me more aware of our need to improve on the quality of American Made products(DON'T laugh at my denial). No, with age comes some of the finer things in life, and I hope to experience as many of those things as possible. 44 feels better already!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I'm Back!!!
I hope all of you have had a great summer. As always our summer was pretty hectic with different events, mission trips, baseball, and everything else. Our family had a great vacation at Myrtle Beach. We are finally far enough along that we know how to go and relax. Maybe that has a lot to do with the kids being older, and not being so demanding. We usually take a couple of weeks to simply do nothing except play in the sand, swim, and my specialty, eat! It's a great time to recuperate from the grind of real life.
But with the end of the summer comes a return to the norm of a routine of daily living. That's something that really becomes more of a longing as the new school year begins. I'm not one that just wants to get the kids back in school so they will be "out of our hair," but it does allow for us to operate on more of a regular schedule.
Hopefully you are in a place that you are geared up and ready to roll into the last third of the year. You know as well as I do that we will be singing Christmas carols before we know it. So set your course for the next few months. Get ready to move forward into the opportunities of the coming days. Make sure you are not settling into a rut, but a progressive routine. We'll finish 2008 out with a bang together! Let's Go!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Hot as Hell?
Probably not!
I know that summertime in the south can be right uncomfortable, but I think he may have been exaggerating a little. Or, he just might have been using the phrase as a 'form of speech,' but, it brings me to a point. What do people think about hell? Do they even believe that such a place exist? I don't mean to break out a "fire and brimstone" on you here, but I hope you will consider the thought. According to the Bible, these things have to be embraced as truth.
1)Hell is a real place. It was prepared for the Devil and his fallen comrades, not for man.
2)Hell is a place of eternal torment. Enough said!
3)Hell is a place of separation. Separation from God and all who you've ever known!
4)Hell is a place that you don't want to go! You can tell me to go there as much as you like! I'm not going!!!!
If you don't believe what the Bible says about this awful place, then you might as well mark the whole book up as a lie. But what it says is true! And just as true as what it says about hell, is the truth about heaven. That's the place you want to be! The only way to go, is to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, and is the only way to heaven. Just ask him to forgive you and he'll welcome you in!
Otherwise you better hope what the guy said is true, and that it really is " as hell..." now. But, I'm afraid he was probably off a few thousand degrees!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Live Bullets
That is what life is like many times. We allow the low points along life's way to define who we are, as well as determine our potential. The reality is that nothing could be further from the truth! Those low points are exactly that, "low points." You can not allow those points in life to become your ceiling!
Your worst performance can't nullify your best performance.
Your worst day can't keep you from your best day.
Your worst moment can't delay your greatest moment.
More than likely you will find yourself fully involved in a battle that you were just not ready for, sometime in the near future. One where they're using live bullets. You may find yourself beaten down pretty bad. But try to remember, you can still win the war!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Easy Street
Here are some thoughts that may keep you from always jumping on what seems to be the easiest way out.
1)If your mess has been created over a long period of time(months, years, decades), then don't fool yourself into thinking that you can work your way out of it overnight. If you "worked" long and hard to get into the mess, you may have to commit the same effort to get out!
2)Remember that resistance will make you strong. The challenges that are being confronted in your life will grow you in the long run.
3)If your "way out" is to good to be true, it better be GOD! He has a way of working the miraculous in our lives everyday. Just make sure you're not taking the route that is simply appealing to the desire for "easy."
The Quick-fix will always be attractive. But it is usually not the route that leads you back to Easy Street!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Up-side Down
I would like to challenge you to live life in a different mode. A life that is opposite of the trend that we see established in almost every arena of society. Can you live life "up-side down?" A life that goes against the grain of this selfish, self-indulging culture that we are caught in. A life that gives and not simply takes!
>Be a "lover" not a "hater." The world is full of "haters." Let love take over in your dealings with others.
>Be a Jesus-Freak. Really try to live your life by his example. Let his life be the example that you try to mimick in every detail.
>Be dependable. Regardless of where you find your life intersecting with others, be the one they can depend on. That's hard to find nowadays.
>Be Strong. Live by what you believe, not by what is accepted. The world needs to see somebody that lives by conviction.
>Be courageous. Step into some impossible situations and watch how God may use you. You'll never know until you try.
You may freak some people out when you try to live this kind of life. It would be a great thing today, to be accused of turning your world "up-side down!" Because it's obvious that "right-side up" is just not working.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
You really see the affects of this disease in areas concerning things like:
>Same-sex marriage - Give me a break! Some parts are simply not compatible. Never were, never will be! Wake up people! I love you even if you are caught up in this lifestyle. But, it is still wrong, and a sign of "stupid" if you think it's not!
>Global Warming - Over the last 100 years, the earth's temperature has increased approximately 1 degree fareinheight. Could that possibly be the results of a geological cycle? I wonder how those temperatures would compare to 200 years ago? We do need to be better stewards of the earth's resources. But, most of us are being "Gored" with information that is not totally accurate. "Stupid!"
>Gun Control - Let's make sure that we get the guns out of the hands of people that will use them to kill another person. I'm sure that would deture the murderer from breaking the law by having a gun in his possession illegally. Get a brain! If a person is disturbed enough to kill another person, what would keep him from breaking gun-control laws? Take some 'common sense' for your "stupid" outbreak if you believe that.
>Relativism - The idea that truth is relative only to the context of an individual is a sure indicator that "stupid" is really eating you alive. If you believe that, then my "truth" is that if you are hit in the head with a hammer, that feeling is not really pain? You wanna try it? "Stupid."
There are so many more examples that could be used. Hopefully you get the point! Blog is a little long already.
I realize that most of you who read this blog have the same ideals as I do. I would ask that you maybe share this blog with someone who don't. Maybe we can get a handle on this epidemic of "Stupid." It will at least provoke the thought.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Better Off!
We can all float through life and never really consider this idea. I would rather like to consider it, hoping that the world will somehow be a better place when I'm finished here. My life may seem to be a very small thing in the scope of all humanity, but I want it to be as "big" as possible.
I believe that has to be intentional on my part. I don't believe in the notion that "whatever will be, will be." I believe that there is a Great God, with a great plan for my life. Yet, I have to make a decision to be a part of that plan. I can go off and do my own thing! God will not stop me from carrying out my own will. He will send 'stop' signs along the way, but I can continue in the same direction, even if it is a dead-end road.
God allows me to cooperate with his will for my life. But that is really up to me. All of us have a purpose in life. Discovering that purpose can seem complicated at times. But, if and when that happens, you can be sure that the world will be Better Off because of it!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Control Freaks - Part II
These ideas Help Me:
- Never use my freedoms for gain, at the expense of others.
- Mind my business - I don't "need" to know everything anyway.
- Be responsible, regardless of what others do.
- Trust others with their freedom.
- If you are in charge of others, try not to micro-manage.
A famous man once said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Surely this would apply to all Control Freaks.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Control Freaks
Sunday morning's message brought attention to the fact that we are called to maturity as believers. One of the marks of maturity for anyone, is revealed when a person has freedom and can manage it without causing harm to himself or others. We have to realize that we are granted freedom in this walk with God. Freedom comes with a great responsibility. Freedom comes at a price! That price was the life of Jesus Christ.
With that freedom, you are released from a life of control. God does not want to control your life, he wants you to be free! Free from religion, sin, bondage, addictions, etc.. He wants you to lovingly serve and obey him and his plan for your life. He will not try to force you into a life that you are not willing to live. Yet, there are people who insist on a life that is based on a "have-to" mentality, where their relationship with God is based on what they "have-to" do, instead of what they "get-to" do. I have to realize that God has given me the opportunity to serve and follow him. I "get-to," I don't "have-to." People who never come to this resolve, never know the freedom of the life that we can have in Jesus Christ. And since they never know that freedom, they never want anybody else to experience it either. They become Control Freaks! They want to be controlled, and they want to control everybody else.
If Jesus doesn't want to control you, then why should I?
More to come with next blog!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
No 2nd's Please
B - Become! Become all that you have the potential to Be.
E - Expect! Expect greatness from your life every day.
S - Stretch! Stretch beyond your perceived limitations.
T - Try! Put out your greatest effort in all that you do.
Giving life your BEST leaves you with no regrets! Anything less than that will always leave you with regret and all the seconds in life. I've heard it said that another way to describe "second place" is "first loser." No 2nds Please!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Here She Comes Again
No, I'm not a Republican, a Democrat, or some right wing Independent of sorts. I'm a Christian! I've been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ! I do not believe that is a tag that I wear that gives me the right or the reason to "look down my nose" at the rest of the world. But, I do think that it should weigh heavy on my beliefs. And what I believe should affect how I behave. Even in the Voting Booth!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Keep Growing
>Intellectually - Some people don't like to put themselves in an environment where they are not the most knowledgeable in the crowd. Hang out with some people who know more than you do, about the subject you are in pursuit of.
>Experience - Place yourself in a position to experience life at a different dimension. There are times that your experiences will far outweigh your education.
>Resistance - The challenges of your life will many times become the most fertile ground for your growth and progress.
>Refusal - There must be a conscience decision made that says, "I refuse to settle and remain where I am right now!"
I believe the moment you decide to stay where you are, and stop growing and learning, is the moment you choose to give up on your destiny. That can happen when you're 15, 27, or 45! Or, you can still find progress being made when you're 45, 65, or 85! The choice is really up to you. But, I challenge you...KEEP GROWING!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Easter - WOW!
Sunday was incredible! We went over the 600 mark(officially) in attendance for the first time at BST. Above that, there were close to thirty people that responded to receiving Jesus as their
Savior. Man, you talk about what fires me up - that's what I'm talkin'bout! Thirty people walked into the building Sunday morning, nervous and hell-bound. And, in less than an hour and a-half, they were new-born believers on their way to Heaven!
#$&% on the Devil! He can't stop the folks that you've prayed for and plead with from coming to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! We serve a God that has made it clear, that it is his intention to save every person who will simply call on him. We are living in a great time! There are so many opportunities for us to reach out to a lost world. I've tried to train my kids to believe that whatever arena they find themselves in, they are the light of Jesus Christ!
I challenge you to step up to the plate and be used of God in the manner that he desires. Live out Easter every day! He lives and so can you! Live to the MAX! WOW!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
He Did It!
Yet here we are on the eve of Good Friday, remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for all of us. When you think about the events of those final days, that Jesus had to live through, it really makes you consider the reality of our skewed perception of "sacrifice." In our society, there's just not much of that - "sacrifice." It will be required if we are to reach our life's mission.
What might that "sacrifice" look like?
1)Denial - You will have to deny yourself the pleasures to self. What feels good may not be right.
2)Discomfort - It is easy for any of us to settle in what is comfortable.
3)Loss - You will incur some loss in order to gain what is before you.
4)Rejection - People that you think would never walk away, will.
5)Pain - Not the kind that you feel on the surface.
6)Loneliness - You may find yourself in a place where no one else can go.
You may remember that Jesus prayed, "Father if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; Nevertheless...". He was willing to face whatever was necessary to complete the mission. It is difficult for anybody to face the suffering that may be required in a place of sacrifice. I'm glad HE DID IT!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mission Accomplished
Most of us would probably agree to the fact that we admire a person who knows how to "finish the job." That tells us that this particular person is able to resist the temptation of giving up. I've often stated that it is alright to feel like giving up, if you simply just "don't."
As a matter-of-fact, you will find out you are keeping pretty good company in that group that "feels like" giving up.(Moses,Elijah, shoot even Spider-man and Daniel Boone.) Everybody feels like throwing in the towel every once-in-a-while. People give up on jobs, marriages, children, dreams, hopes,etc. nowadays.
Yet there are those that face the resistance, the trials, the troubles, and the processes, and still press through to the finish line. They accomplish the mission that is before them. They Finish Well!
Hey, I still hate painting, but I intend to see this project through to completion. Or until a buyer comes along that likes to paint. Either way the mission is to sell the place. Do you like to paint?
Mission Accomplished!
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Mission (continued)
You may want to refer to this passage: Luke 2:39-52.
He found favor. He lived within the realm of God's grace for his life. Many times we strive to find our life's purpose outside of what we've been graced for. That only leads to frustration.
He asked questions. One of the keys to discovering your mission/purpose in life is asking the right questions. Not only did he ask the questions, he listened to the answers. Now there's a thought!
He was affirmed in his Greatness. Those around him were "astonished." They recognized his wisdom and gifted-ness while he was still young. You may feel you have nothing to do with this aspect of your life. But I would encourage you to find a place and a people, that will recognize and celebrate your potential.
He was subject. Even though he was the son of God, he subjected himself to his earthly parents. Affirmation without submission to the authorities in your life lead only to an ego trip. The pat on the back may need to be a PAT on the butt every once in a while.
You have a purpose in life. The process of discovery may be a little more difficult for some. But, don't live another day without a sense of finding The Mission for your life!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Mission
Last night I participated in the baseball draft for the local recreation department. My son, Eric Jr., will be playing for the 12 & under division,and I'm one of those baseball Dads that helps with coaching the little-leaguers. The "draft" can be right stressful at times when it comes to trying to decide the fate of the kids that will be a part of your baseball life for the next 3 to 4 months. You go into the draft with your list of prospective players that you would like to have on your team.
But, you can be sure of one thing, by the end of the first round of picks, your list is shot! Your dreams for those kids and their baseball destiny is over! All of the teaching and fundamentals long forgotten for those you missed on! (I know this is overly dramatic, but let me wax on brother!) Come'on, a 12 year old and their "baseball destiny." Get Real! A lot of these kids will never play baseball again in their future. Maybe, and I stress maybe, a small percentage of the whole league will play beyond their high-school days. In spite of the wild hopes and dreams of many of us baseball dads, that think our kids will one day be Major-leaguers, baseball is simply not part of their mission!
But with that thought, think about a 12 year old kid who had a clear understanding of his life and it's purpose. He understood his life would be one filled with adversity, challenges, and rejection. At 12 he realized The Mission. His name - JESUS!
Luke 2:49 - And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?"
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Married Life
>Make the Effort. Spend the time, energy, and money that you spent during the dating years. It's amazing how little effort is given to marriage.
>Keep the Romance. Practice your Love relationship. Hold hands, hug, kiss, etc.. You loved those things while you were Courting your spouse. Why did you stop?
>Protect the Union. Never allow anything to separate you from this treasured relationship. Busyness, temptations, work, even 'the kids,' can have a way of driving a wedge between you. The marriage relationship must be the priority of your life, just below your relationship with God.
If you want to see a picture of a 'Red-hot' marriage, there's a book you might want to read. The title of the book is "Song of Solomon." It is actually a sub-section of another book called "The Holy Bible." Surprised! You may find that book has a lot to say about Married Life.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
What can you do? You can voice your opinion to your representatives. Call your representatives and senators and let them know that you are outraged at the idea of federal representatives spending resources on such ridiculous issues. You can find the phone numbers of your elected officials in the "Blue Pages" of the phone book. Let them know - "This is Ridiculous!!!"
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Core Values
Core values are essential to keeping your life on track
Core Values – everybody has them. As a matter of fact, we all live by them either consciously or subconsciously. They really are the driving force behind our lives.
Many of our core values do not originate from ourselves; they were given to us by others. I guess you could call them hand-me down values. Of course, others you formed as you navigated through life.
So you might be asking,” how does one define a value?” I define a value as “a distinctive set of core beliefs by which one measures his or her priorities in life.”
Values are an essential part in keeping one’s life on track. When we clarify our values, we begin to lay down a plumb line for all our decisions. They help us to navigate as we face future crossroads in our life.
Do you want to find your values? Here are a couple of quick ways to help you get started in discovering your core values and help you hammer them into a values statement:
1. Your values will always show up in the form of patterns in your life
Author and speaker Doug Fike says, “Life’s patterns are what values look like when lived out”. A pattern is something you are consistently doing because you have a certain value.
If you can discern patterns that crop up in your life, whether good or bad, then you can begin to understand the underlying values behind them.
Start with a list of patterns that seem to define your life.
2. Oftentimes your values can be described in short, simple one or two word phrases
For instance, notice the following short word phrases and see if you can see a values pattern: “Spirit-filled and led, intimacy with God, quiet time, prayer.” These are a few of the short phrases that I use to describe my values on Spiritual life.
Now, take any category like marriage, personal development, or family for example, and begin to jot down phrases, images, or a short series of words to describe the way you feel about it. In reality, these are your values.
Keep working on them, refining and rephrasing them for a more defined set of core values.
I suggest you practice the above exercises in ten key areas of your life; they are as follows:
1. Spiritual life
2. Marriage/single life
3. Family and children
4. Work
5. Church and ministry
6. Financial stewardship
7. Physical stewardship
8. Personal development
9. Social stewardship
10.Recreation and hobbies
If you would like to see my set of core values in these areas, click on the “about” section in the upper left hand corner of this blog.
"Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life". Solomon - Prov. 4:23 NLT
Hope this helps!
Coach John
Works Cited: Doug Fike, Life Focus Resources, Transformational Leadership Coaching, 2005
Monday, February 11, 2008
Be Still
1>It's Safe! Too many times we find ourselves acting on our own without God. We are prone to get anxious, especially in difficult times, and get out of step with God. Remember, if you decide to step out there on your own, you are "on your own!" (Boy, that's Deep stuff, ha!)
2> It's Best! Remember when Moses is standing at the Red Sea, with the Egyptian army right on his tail. Moses said to to the people " still and see the salvation of the Lord."(Exodus 14) It was the Best option!
3>It's a Guarantee! When I can allow things to be set in God's hands and timing, I will always come out on the winning side.
For those of us that are a 'Type A', aggresive type disposition, Being Still is one of the most difficult things that we will ever do. I've screwed up so many things by acting on my own. Yet as I have maybe mellowed a little in life, I find that one of the greatest actions that I can take is the act of Being Still.
Psalm 46:10 "Be still, and know that I am God."
Monday, February 4, 2008
"My Right to Privacy"
Live with a certain degree of transparency. We live such private lives in today's society. No wonder it is easy to cover our character flaws. No one is allowed "inside" anymore. Open the door to your life to others. If I have nothing to hide, then why hide?
Find someone to keep you accountable. I'm not talking about a personal support group that acknowledges like flaws. I'm talking about someone who will 'bust your butt' when you get out of line.
Realize that your private conduct ultimately affects my kids. I hear people make the comment - "what I do in the privacy of my own home does not affect anybody but me!" That's Bull! What you do in the privacy of your own home eventually walks out the door with you or your kids into the public sectar where my kids live. No one "lives to themselves."
Stop justifying your actions. One reason people live different lives in private is this sense of entitlement. They feel justified in the oversights and indulgences that they entertain in their private life. They "work hard" and they "pay the price" in public and feel they deserve a recourse in the privacy of their own lives.
I realize that we are in a complex society that has placed so many demands on our lives that there are neccessary outlets. Yet those outlets can not be allowed to influence our character or conduct. I write this blog from the perspective of my own personal battles and challenges, recognizing there are limitations on my "Right to Privacy."
Thursday, January 31, 2008
A "Public Character"
>God Sees! The Bible reminds us that there is nothing hidden from God. That means your thoughts, motives, how you treat your family, what you watch on TV, what you read, etc.. God Sees it all.
>People See! Jesus taught us that the sins that are committed in private will be shouted from the housetop - Or CNN, ABC, FOX, or the local news! Just ask Bill if you don't believe it.
>You See! It's almost impossible to hide from yourself. The closest thing to that is the worst kind of deception - It's called self-deception.
I will continue with this thought in my next blog. But, may we all recognize the need to live a private life that we're not afraid of having exposed. Your private life matters. It will ultimately determine your "Public Character."
Monday, January 28, 2008
If I were in charge of that system, here's a few guidelines that would be introduced.
1)Provide for the Orphans. The children must be a priority. Take care of the children who have been subject to the loss of their parents.
2)Provide for the Widow/Widower. Take care of those who are not capable of pursuing an income. Honor and respect the elderly.
3)Provide for Single Parents. Make resources available to them such as childcare, continuing education, job training, etc.. Empower them to rise above poverty, and have a healthier self -image. What an example for the kids too?
*Warning - The next three guidelines are a little more extreme. If you are a mamby-pamby, just..."love everybody and be nice" person, STOP reading now!
4)Starve the Lazy. The Apostle Paul told the Christians at Thessolinica "...If you don't work...You don't eat!" Seems fair to me!
5)Get Rid of the Infidels. If there are parents that refuse to try to provide for their children, then away with them!
6)Work'em. That's right! Put those lazy rascals in a work camp and let them earn their keep. Just imagine how clean our highways and towns could be if we provided the employees to do the work through the "No Work-No Food" camps.
Almost a perfect system, ha? You may think that I am being a little over-simplistic, but don't we complicate things anyway! Many of our world's problems have very simple solutions. You see how easy it is to solve the problem with welfare. All it would take is to get every American Christian to start tithing. How Simple is That?
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Here are some things that I must consider with this reality.
Life is Fragile. Life can change without a moments notice. Remember 9/11 and how our lives were interrupted by the terrorists that day. If you have ever been through personal tragedy, you know exactly what I mean when I say "life is fragile." One phone call can change your life forever. There are no guarantees to what tomorrow may bring.
Trust. In whom have I placed my trust? It's easy to say we trust God in the abundance that we enjoy in this great nation. I hope that I could trust Him like Job, when everything is lost. My trust can not be in money or the things that make me comfortable.
Perspective. God help me to live life with an eternal perspective. When I live only for the here and now, the pressure and anxiety can be overwhelming. God is always working for my eternal good.
If you don't know me personally, you may think I'm a real pessimist - Which is the furthest thing from the truth! I'm not getting ready to write "The Late Great Planet Earth" - Vol.2. But, I am a realist, and only God knows what the future holds. I hope we all live into a "...happily ever after...". But, if things do go "CRASH!!", with God on my side, everything will be alright!
Friday, January 18, 2008
For Goodness-sake!
1)Go VOTE! Get registered if you are not already. It's as easy as going to your county offices and signing up. Get your butt out there and VOTE.
2)Vote Morals! Vote for candidates who vote right on moral issues according to the Bible. That's right - The Bible - It's the standard for what is right and wrong. Stop listening to the media outlets, look at the candidates voting records and vote accordingly.
3)SHUT-UP! That's right, Shut-UP! If you are not taking your God-given responsibility to vote, then why complain about the politicians, the government, or taxes. You are allowing these things to happen if you do not vote.
4)Get Ready! There are major changes coming in this nation if people like you "non-voters" continue in your same old ways. Changes for the worse, so "get ready!"
If you are a voter, please share some of these thoughts with someone you know who doesn't vote. Maybe they have that "..what's the use..." mentality. Their vote does matter! Proverbs 29:2 says "...when the righteous rule, the people rejoice." I understand that there are no "saints" running for an office right now, but there are some candidates who vote right. I'm not asking you to try and elect the guy that you think will pad your pocket with some extra cash. I'm asking you to vote for righteousness, for goodness-sake!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Feeling Better
>Keep on Keeping on...I don't know if this is the right thing to do or not, but I feel better if I can stick with my routine as much as possible. Again, this might not be the best road to recovery, but it works for me. Go ahead, stick your finger down your throat, you'll feel better!
>Walk well...I believe the word declares that we were healed when Jesus took stripes on his back for our infirmities. Does that mean you will always see the manifestation of your healing immediately? No. But you will never see your healing if you don't recognize that it has already been paid for.
>Get a Shot...Man, I didn't think they gave those "hip-bruisers" any more. But when the nurse came in with that needle and said "..bend over...", I gladly obliged! "Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights." That includes a good shot of medicine.
I hope none of you have to face any of this "junk." If you do, do what is best for you to get past it as quick as possible. I probably waited a little longer than I should have to seek a doctors help, but there are a lot of people that probably take off to the doctor too quick. Maybe I'll find the right balance one day. One thing for sure right now, I'm feeling better!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
1)Keep the long term in mind. We live in a 'drive-thru' world, and waiting is one of the most difficult things in the world for most of us. Patience is a virtue. Remember Galatians 6:9 - "And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Don't Give up before your season arrives.
2)Don't let failure be your end. It is so easy to give up when we fail. If you do drop the ball along the way, pick it up and keep going. Resilience is a must in this thing called life. Your ability to get back up is key not only this year's resolutions, but in every area of life.
3)Will-power is not enough. What happens when it runs out? As much as we try to live with a mentality that says, "...roll up your shirt sleeves, and git-r-done...", will-power will run low! You will need strength from above. God's grace is sufficient for everything in your life. Look to him when you're running a little low on "will-power."
I hope that you are able to live into all of your new year's resolutions. If not fully, look for increase and improvement in those areas. Increase your knowledge of the word, lose a few pounds, improve your health-habits, grow in Christ, become a better parent, be a better spouse! All good ideas. Be RESOLUTE!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
This Is It!
1)Seize the Day! We've been given another benchmark for life with the new year. Don't squander the opportunity that has been given. In Ephesians 5, the Apostle Paul encourages us to "... redeem the time, because the days are evil." Don't blow it!
2)Look for Open Doors! This could be the year that the "big break' that you've been waiting for is really about to happen. If the door opens, be ready to step in!
3)Live the unprecedented! Don't wait for the things that you can always relate to past experience. One of the greatest deterrents in life can be living with the safety net of precedent! God may want to do some things in your life for which there are no precedents.
4)Start and stay clean! "God's mercy is new every morning," according to Me and Jeremiah. (And believe me, We Know!) Realize that you can have a clean slate to work with in God's economy. Don't let the past hold you back!
Let's get after what God has for us in the New Year! Who knows what the next twelve months may have in store for us? Well, God does! But, he will allow us to go through the process of discovering it all. So here we go, full throttle into the New Year of 2008. In the word's of the old song by Kenny Loggins - "...This is it...make no mistake of where you are..." - Hard to believe, but true!